Thursday 8 July 2010

Dar is a complex place. Dirty, dusty, vibrant, dark, dangerous and welcoming all at once. Arrived to the hotel, and was suprised by its spaciousness and the bed is comfy...tick. The food is pretty amazing, lots of Indian cuisine, and chips with Massala is a tricky event. There have been ups and downs since getting here. The first three days were amazing. I got a manicure and pedicure....what! I watched the Holland game against Uraguay in a DUtch bar..yippee, and the next one in the hotel reception with a takeaway...nice! The call to prayer in the mornings and at night are actually rather beautiful. Went to the beach yesterday and had my first swim in the Indian Ocean...fantastic! However, security is tricky as everyone is very aware and interested in us which can be sometimes wonderful and fun, and sometimes rather scary! Saw a car accident yesterday and realised just how crazy this city can be!

However, I have met wonderful people and some from my placement too which sounds exciting and challenging. 4 minutes left so signing off. Sorry for brevity!

Speak soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good lady! Miss you loads - no tail is here - he misses you too!!xx
