Tuesday 13 July 2010

Kiswahili is not Swahili, but the language we learn that is like Swahili apparently! According to my teachers, we never really learn their language! However, I am loving it. I think with lots of practice with the nuns and security guards at the hostal, I could really set Tanzania on fire with my skills! Watch out Nyangao, I'm a coming...in two weeks. The food at the mission is incredible, and every meal is A MEAL! For the Ecuador crew, plantains people! Oh my, so much of it every day! I can even buy Mayonnaise! But I trying to fight that urge! I am playing frisbee frequently with my new friend Abraham, who at 8 beats me as everything I do. I have not broached football yet as I am sure even the nuns could beat me hands down.

The down side is that there is a group of what I can only deem fanatical missionaries from Scotland on my corridor. The adults have roped in children to go and talk to other youngsters about the word of God. I would not care really aside from the fact they seem to love to have their meetings in the corridor until 22.00pm. I may sound old, but in this building I can here people blink, and I do not want to hear about John the Baptist every night!

Rant over. Loving it still, and only 5 mosquito bites so far!!! Yippee. Not talking about the football. Devastated! Even more so, because I was stuck in a bar watching it with the complete population of Spanish people in Tanzania!
Anyway, away I go for another mammoth dinner.
Don't forget to tell me how you all are!



  1. Glad it is going well. I know people will think 22.00 is still early but in Nigeria I am going to bed about 21.30 as a) there is no no electricity so not much to do in the dark and b) I get up after 6 and am at my desk at 8 so you need to go to bed early. look forward to hearing more over the weeks ahead. G

  2. Fancy missionaries talking about God!!!

    Glad you're being fed (!) and that you're enjoying it. Take care.


  3. Glad it's fun so far Zoe - the mani-pedi sounds nice! And keep going with the language - you'll soon be nattering away fluently! Weather dismal in UK.
