Tuesday 29 June 2010

Hey my 8 followers so far...welcome!

So hitches have begun in earnest. My flight appears to be cancelled as from the 15th of June!!! Had to ring Eqypt Air to find out, and now chasing VSO for an explanation. Hopefully its not too much of a problem, but who knows I may be here to see the world cup final!!!

Therefore today I am mostly ringing people for explanations and fretting; joyous times a plenty. What a way to start this fascinating blog for you...drama at all angles. Heard yesterday from my house mate in Tanzania, Dr.Faith (great name) that some residents have tv's and satellite dishes and also there are three local bars...well I never. Maybe the becoming a good girl is not on the horizon as Cecilia had hoped!!!

Anyway, will keep you informed of any crazy changes!

Muchos love,


  1. Hey love...
    Have a great time out there. Keep safe and well.
    And post pics when you can too...
    chow chow.

  2. Crazy way to begin! Bet you're looking forward to just getting out there. Otherwise, overland travel may become an option...
